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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Those be Fightin Words

After Joe Torre’s declination of the Yankees contract off and his press conference last Friday, most people were quick to attack the Yankees front office for not trying harder to keep Joe Torre around. Well, the Yankees front office is attacking back. Hank Steinbrenner showed that the next generation of Steinbrenner’s will not be much kinder and gentler then George. In reacting to Joe Torre’s statement that the Yankees contract offer was an insult, Hank Steinbrenner essentially told Joe Torre that he had no right to complain and that the Yankees made his career. “Where was Joe's career in '95 when my dad hired him?" said Hank. “My dad was crucified for hiring him.” He also went on to say that he believed the contract was completely fair and that he had hoped that Torre would accept it. He backed off his statements a bit, calling Torre a great manager and class act, but the message was clear that Hank was not happy about Torre’s reaction to the contract offer. The Steinbrenner’s were likely also upset about the media’s portrayal of the situation, as mostly everyone sided with Joe Torre. If nothing else, these statements cemented Hank Steinbrenner as a potential strong leader and perhaps as a worthy successor to his father. He may even end up with sole possession of the team if he wrestles the rest of the power away from his brother Hal. George Steinbrenner never would have shied away from a confrontation, even with a beloved figure such as Joe Torre, and Hank has show that he is not afraid of that either. Maybe he does have what it take to survive in this town…

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