With the news of the Yankees managerial change came the subsequent news of another managerial change in the majors. The Los Angeles Dodgers made a move of their own, when their former manager Grady Little “resigned” and is set to be replaced by none other then Joe Torre. Grady Little must really hate Joe Torre, as he has no essentially cost him his job twice (the other time being when Torre’s Yankees knocked Little out of the 2003 playoffs). While nothing is official yet, Torre is expected to be offered a three year deal in the vicinity of $3.5-4 million per year (yes it is less then the Yankees offered him). Torre did not wait long to get back into the managing scene, as I for one expected him to sit out a year before returning, but he wasted little time. The fact that he did waste such little time may hint at how hostile Torre has become towards the Yankees, but maybe he just find the right situation at the right time. Torre does, after all, now lead a talented young team with bright young stars like Chad Billingsley and James Loney and no one should be surprised if they are successful next season. Torre should also like the fact that while he’s staying in a large market, he no longer has to face the absurd expectations of being forced to win every year. Los Angeles fans are much more tolerant of losing then those of us in the New York area. In addition, Torre is likely going to be joined by his former bench coach Don Mattingly. Mattingly is likely to be either Torre’s bench or hitting coach as he seems just as scorned by the Yankees as Torre. Mattingly will also enjoy the prospect of being a part of the same team as his son, Preston, someday as his son is currently a prospect in the Dodgers minor league system. Mattingly still likely believes that his best road to managing someday is to tail on Joe Torre’s coat tails. Either way, do not expect to see Torre or Mattingly at Old Timer’s Day any time soon.
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